Work by Referral Only in 2022 (Part 3)

Ok…two weeks ago, we covered the main reasons why you might not be getting all the referrals you should. Last week, we covered how to leverage your best ideas to 10-x your referrals right away.

Today, you’re going to see how to exponentially grow your referral network, and the number of referrals you receive each month.

Now, you might be thinking…”Exponential, I’d be happy with 10 more referrals a month if they were consistent.” And that’s great. But the single biggest barrier to raising your prices, to bigger profits, and to sleeping soundly at night is a lack of lead flow/opportunity.

The process you’ll get in today’s episode will show you how to create a continually expanding network of enthusiastic referral partners, so that you always have more referrals than you need.

Part 3 is live now…

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