Tim Kilroy | Secrets to Scaling Your Expertise-Based Business

Everything you need to know about WHAT it takes to run a successful business is already out there in a book or a seminar or on YouTube. It’s an entirely different matter to understand HOW to grow and lead a successful business. That’s why I’m excited to bring you this conversation with agency coach Tim Kilroy.

Tim brings a perspective to growing your business that we haven’t covered here before. It’s a perspective that is really important for business leaders in service and expertise companies, or any company trying to scale up and avoid the struggles that can come with that.

I talk with Tim about a number of important topics, including: 

  • How to shift from being a business builder to a business leader 
  • What causes businesses to struggle to scale up 
  • Why it’s important to know what validates you in your business 
  • And much more

We detail several key actions you can take to begin building a team now to serve your clients and free you up to spend time on the things that validate you. Don’t miss this one.

Listen here or watch on YouTube.

Mentioned in this episode:

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