The Book Blueprint that Lands Clients

I’m often asked what’s the best kind of book to write to attract clients.

Today on the podcast I’m going to give my answer.

When deciding to write a book, I believe you first need to determine your goal for the finished product. Do you want to share your knowledge, educate, or transform someone’s thinking?

In this episode, I share some ideas on how to craft a book that will attract clients, build trust, and give you a position of preeminence in your market.

I delve into the four different types of books and the outcome of each from a client acquisition standpoint.

I even share with you exactly how long your book needs to be…

You can listen here or watch on YouTube.

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There are many ways to build your authority in business, but the very best way is by authoring a book.

If you've had "write a book" on your bucket list for too long, why not join the next "Write Your Million Dollar Book"
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