Vinnie Fisher | Case Study: How To Really Understand Your Clients, And Profit From It

One of the biggest roadblocks for the businesses we work with is that they don’t often understand WHY their clients choose to work with them.

They have an inkling, but they really aren’t sure.

It’s such an issue that it’s actually a big part of our first week with a client. Get it right, and selling becomes infinitely easier.

Plus, you always uncover some new, unserved, opportunity in the process…

That’s exactly what Vinnie Fisher did with his firm, Fully Accountable. In a lot of ways Vinnie’s story is the “dream” of many service businesses…to pivot into a product business.

I interview Vinnie on this week’s Unstoppable CEO podcast. Listen in and you’ll discover…

  • The importance of creating margin…space to get clarity every day.
  • How to make the transition from being over scheduled to calm.
  • Why you should guard your time, and more importantly, HOW to do it (even in a client business).
  • How Vinnie tapped into a big, painful problem his service-business clients had and turned it into his current product offering. Listening to his thinking process will help you ask the right questions of your clients and prospects.
  • How he developed a solution to support the three roles that a small business owner, bookkeeper, or CFO has to do to run the “back office.”


00:13 Steve introduces Vinnie Fisher

01:28 Vinnie tells us how he started out in business and how he moved from his first business, a mental health company to a digital company.

03:20 Vinnie likes to solve problems.

04:46 Vinnie talks about avoiding distraction and his faith has to key factors in making him unstoppable.

07:31 The 80:20 Principle.

08:46 Vinnie tells us how valuing time helped to build structure into his life.

12:30 Vinnie explains how more output doesn’t always lead to more value.

15:04 Vinnie talks about the time he spent in hospital with his dying father and how he found the core of his business in Your Back Office.

18:07 Vinnie explains how his lightbulb moment came about, he looked inside his business instead of outside.

20:03 Vinnie tells us where his growth in 2018 will come from.

21:41 Vinnie breaks down what Your Back Office can do for you.

26:32 Vinnie tells us how his software can free up time for even the most experienced of CFO’s.

29:40 Go to for loads of free goodies just for you!

31:03 Vinnie talks about some of the books he’s reading.

Mentioned in the show:

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